4 Ways To Make Go, Go, Going Less Stressful… And FUN

4 Ways To Make Go, Go, Going Less Stressful… And FUN

In our busy world, it seems like we are always on the go. Whether we are at home chasing the kids around or on our way to that Monday morning meeting, life in the slow lane simply does not seem to exist anymore. What does exist, however, is the overwhelming speed of the fast line, Google alerts, calendar reminders and the endless commute that seems to leave no time left for anything other than sleep. From resuable drinking cups that make your morning brew more enjoyable to happiness boosters through the day, here are 4 ways to get the most out of your go, go, go lifestyle…

Invest in Items You Love.

Living out of Styrofoam cups is depressing. Not only are they boring, they are also easy to spill on the road and there is nothing like scalding hot liquid in your lap to make a bad day worse. Invest in a pretty travel cup to make mornings more enjoyable. It may seem like a small addition… but it can make a big difference in feeling like a piece of home is with you on the road.

Crank Up the Tunes.

Science has proven that people who sing along to the radio are less stressed in general. On your way to work, crank up the tunes and belt out every line. You might get a few stares and maybe even end up on YouTube… but the truth is that everyone staring wishes they had the nerve to do exactly what you are doing. Life is too short to hum… SING.

Get Out and Run.

Spending the day at the desk is enough to make you depressed by noon. Get out and enjoy the sunshine with a brisk run that can change the pace of the day and boost feel-good chemicals in the brain. Win/ win.

Stock Up on Snacks.

The drive thru is terrible for your waistline and your energy. Limit your cravings by carrying healthy snacks with you on the go. This will help you to keep your hunger in check. Protein is especially good for helping you to feel full longer.

From resuable drinking cups to a brisk run, life on the go can be improved with small changes. When you take the time to make your day, your commute, your work life and your a million and one little stressors even just a little bit more enjoyable, you will make a big impact in your go, go, go lifestyle… making the most of your day – even if it must be spent on the run.

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