Multiple Sclerosis Physiotherapy is one of the most important therapies for MS sufferers. Multiple sclerosis usually affects the motor nerves that control muscle movement. Because these nerves are affected, it becomes difficult for MS patients to move their arms, legs, or even sit down. Even simple daily tasks like picking up a coffee cup or sweeping the floor become difficult or impossible. The goal of multiple sclerosis physiotherapy is to help MS patient regain their ability to participate in their daily lives.
Multiple sclerosis often develops slowly over the years. Symptoms develop gradually over time, and the disease often worsens as the patient gets older. It can be diagnosed when a patient experiences at least four of the following symptoms: decreased ability to move the limbs; a loss in dexterity; severe headaches; decreased vision; short-term memory loss; and swelling of the face and limbs. MS patients who do not show any of these signs should immediately consult a physician for a complete MS diagnosis.
There are many ways that MS Physio can be used to treat and improve the symptoms of MS. Typically, a doctor will prescribe medicine to relieve the patient’s symptoms and help control the disease, but medication alone does not always work. In order to treat MS, the patient must also be treated with physical therapy, often called rehabilitative training. This type of therapy can help to restore the ability of the body to function normally.
There are many different ways that MS patients can receive physiotherapy. In some cases, physical therapy can be performed by a physical therapist, while in other cases, the physiotherapist may recommend that the patient goes through physical therapy classes. These classes often combine exercises and stress management techniques with helping patients manage their multiple sclerosis symptoms. For example, in order to relieve stress from multiple sclerosis patients, the exercises and stress management techniques included in these classes can include yoga, meditation, and deep breathing techniques.
A physical therapist can also teach multiple sclerosis patients how to perform daily activities using exercise machines or simple exercises in the home. This physiotherapy can include using a stationary bike, using a stair stepper at home, or using an electric stair climber to go up and down the stairs. These simple exercises help the patient improve their ability to move throughout the day and can improve the quality of life for the patient significantly. Many doctors recommend doing simple exercises several times a day to prevent multiple sclerosis symptoms from becoming worse.
MS Physio is a disease that affects nearly 50 million people around the globe. While there has been a great deal of research done to develop new ways to treat this disease, more research is still needed to determine the best way to manage multiple sclerosis symptoms. A good physiotherapist can help the patient by implementing a plan that is tailored to the individual. By following the advice of a professional physiotherapist, a patient may just find that a new lease on life has arrived.