Chinese medicine is a branch of traditional medicine based on more than 3,500 years of Chinese medical practice. There are six traditional Chinese medicine techniques, and they are acupuncture, Moxibustion, Tui Na Massage, Cupping/Scraping, Chinese Herbs, and Chinese Nutrition. Find out about Chinese Medicine Richmond.
There are a variety of health benefits of traditional Chinese Medicine Richmond, such as reducing inflammation, improvement of muscle strength and flexibility, and protects your brain health. Also, it has very few side effects, which can improve the quality of your sleep. Finding a practitioner is not hard to do; however, it does take time and effort to find one who will best meet your health concerns, such as finding one through referral.
You can also find out this referral information through the NCAAA. The NCAAA has very high standards for scholastics and clinical training. You can also find a practitioner through an association. An additional benefit of Chinese medicine is that it is all-natural. It is important to note; Chinese medicine focuses on finding what causes illness and treating it, while modern medicine focuses on treating the symptoms.
Chinese medicine is also different from modern medicine because it is capable of treating a wide range of ailments, such as treating addiction and the flu. And, this type of medicine improves a person’s overall health. Also, traditional Chinese medicine focuses on finding a diagnosis for what is causing the health concern and then treating the health concern.
Most importantly, Chinese medicine offers many more treatments than modern medicine. Multiple options are available with Chinese medicine such as massage, herbs, and food therapies. And, with this type of medicine, there are very few side effects.
Candidates for Chinese medicine are those who have a lot of different symptoms with no real cause, have tried Western medicine but did not get results or those who want to prevent illness. Those who should avoid this type of medicine are the elderly, pregnant or breastfeeding, or those scheduled for surgery. Others who should avoid this type of medicine are people who are taking other medications or treating a child.
To conclude, Chinese medicine is a branch of traditional medicine based on more than 3,500 years of Chinese medical practice. Talk to your doctor about this branch of medicine and ask for a referral. Find out if this method of treatment would work to provide help for your specific health concerns.