3 Steps to Understand Your ACL: Introduction and Understanding

In ACL physio, we offer a variety of services including ACL injury prevention and ACL rehabilitation. We have been in the business for over 10 years and have helped hundreds of patients with ACL problems. In this blog post, we will discuss 3 steps to understanding your ACL: introduction and understanding.

The first step is to understand what ACL stands for and where it is located. ACL stand’s for Anterior Cruciate Ligament and the ligament itself is found in your knee joint.

The second step to understanding ACL injuries, you should know that there are two types of ACL injuries: acute (sudden) and overuse (gradual). The most common type of ACL injury, which we see here at Physio Works Acute Care clinic, would be an acute injury such as a tear or rupture.

Overuse ACL problems occur gradually when someone has been experiencing pain prior to tearing their ligaments with no actual trauma involved. It is important to note that any activity involving jumping or cutting can lead to this kind of problem

Finally, in the third step to understanding ACL injuries, you should be aware that ACL injuries can affect anyone. ACL injuries are common in young adults and athletes because of the intensity associated with their activity levels. The most at-risk population are men between 15-35 years old who participate in fast-paced sports such as soccer or basketball

ACL surgery is a very involved process, much like having any other surgery done on your body will require some recovery time so it’s important for you to know what kind of things to expect based on how your surgeon explains your procedure going down during your consultation.

Why is ACL physio is important? ACL injuries can be a career-changing event for athletes or an ACL tear is one of the most common knee injuries that contribute to chronic ACL dysfunction and pain during daily activities. ACL physio can help prevent re-injury by strengthening muscles around your knees, improving stability, balance and coordination

In conclusion, ACL physio can be a very helpful tool in preventing ACL tears and re-injury, as well as helping to strengthen the muscles around your knees. ACL surgery is also an involved process that you should know about before going through with it.

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